April is Sexually Transmitted Disease Awareness Month. My posts this week are all about STDs and STIs, so allow me to geek-out for a moment about medical terminology. Have you ever heard the term sexually transmitted infections (STIs, the term most currently used) interchanged with sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and wondered, are they the same […]
April is Sexually Transmitted Disease Awareness Month
April is almost at an end, but it is Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) Awareness Month. As a sex-blogger, I would be remiss in my duties to the online world, if I didn’t dedicate some space to sexually transmitted diseases this week. There are 19 million new STD cases each year in the U.S. Having […]
A touchy-feely post about masturbation.
I have numerous hopes and aspirations for my daughter. I gave her a strong name without adjectives like “rainbow” or “blue”—her namesake is a famed feminist writer. Before she was born I practiced writing it down on lined paper to see what it would look like following the words Supreme Court Justice. I see her […]
The art of lovemaking. Or, how slow can you go?
Many women wish there was more foreplay involved when they have sex. But often they feel their partners just want to see how fast they can get from point A to point Z, largely skipping over the other 24 points in between. A great blog post by Michael Castleman over at All About Sex is […]
Getting Back on Top
I am so pleased to introduce Sex Lives of Moms’ very first guest blogger, Mama Natrix. ————————————————————————————————————————- I had discovered my attraction to kink long before I met my partner. I enjoyed being a top (go here for the formal definition), especially to men for whom the concept of bondage was mere fantasy. Blindfolding a […]