This week is National Women’s Health Week. I write a lot about sex and women’s sexual health, but a healthy sexual life is at risk when your overall health suffers. The Department of Health and Human Resources has created some great checklists for women in every decade of their lives, from their 20’s to their 90’s, with things we can do to maximize living a healthy life.
There are many factors that affect our health that are beyond our control: genetics, disabilities, and chronic illness, to name a few. So it is important to remember that there are preventative steps we can take to keep serious health problems at bay—the first step is to see a health-care provider.
Some important recommended preventive care steps include:
- Regular well check-ups. As moms we keep on top of our children’s doctor visits, let’s not forget ourselves.
- PAP and HPV tests
- Contraceptive use or family planning advice
- Sexually transmitted infections testing and prevention
- Cholesterol and blood pressure screening
- Healthy diet
- Regular exercise
- Seek mental health support if needed
We all want to live healthy lives. This week is a chance to remind ourselves of the importance of taking care of our health and well-being and empowering ourselves to do so. If you haven’t seen a doctor in some time, make that appointment now. #NWHW