Read this great post about the difficulties of feeling pleasure when you are suffering from depression or low-self-esteem, by AnthroGoddess. And an interesting bit about Marian Keyes, for us fans.
Thankyou! I love your blog as well – you’re writing about such an important topic. As a mum myself, I know how hard it is to have some kind of sex life, let alone a regular or pleasurable one….but it is possible, with patience and good communication aye đŸ™‚
Thankyou! I love your blog as well – you’re writing about such an important topic. As a mum myself, I know how hard it is to have some kind of sex life, let alone a regular or pleasurable one….but it is possible, with patience and good communication aye đŸ™‚
Thank you! I’ve really enjoyed reading your blog. Your write with honesty about what is considered so taboo to talk about!